Description Displays the mean value of current waveform between Cursors 0 and 1.
  The currently selected waveforms vector is integrated between cursor 0 and 1 and the result is divided by the interval between cursors to obtain the average value. The result is reported in the accumulator.
Hot Key  a
Script loadaccumulator average(current) "Mean"

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot a sine wave.

Press <a> to see the average value; notice that accuracy improves as numpoints is increased.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y
setcursor 1 500u
set units = deg
print 2/pi

 Data Points
Description Number of data points in the current waveform.
Hot Key  #
Script loadaccumulator length(current) "Data Points"

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot a sine wave.

Select Measurements/Data Points in the calculator menu to show the number of points in the sine wave.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y
set units = deg
print numpoints

Description Maximum value of current waveform between Cursors 0 and 1.
Hot Key  >
Script loadaccumulator max(current) "Maximum"

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot a sine wave.

Select Measurements/Maximum in the calculator menu to evaluate the maximum value of the sine wave.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y
set units = deg
echo "max = 1"

Description Minimum value of current waveform between Cursors 0 and 1.
Hot Key  <
Script loadaccumulator min(current) "Minimum"

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot a sine wave.

Select Measurements/Minimum in the calculator menu to evaluate the minimum value of the sine wave.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y
set units = deg
echo "min = -1"

 Parametric Cursor
Description Makes the current trace a master trace and creates a linked parametric plot and trace with auto-labels linked to the master trace and cursor 1. This makes it possible to analyze curve families, such as those created by a DC sweep.
  The currently selected waveforms vector is integrated between cursor 0 and 1 and the result is divided by the interval between cursors to obtain the average value. The result is reported in the accumulator.
Hot Key  none
Script none

Run SpiceNet
Open "\Spice8\Circuits\Examples\DCSweep.DWG"
Select Simulate in the Actions menu
Run Scope5
Select "i_v2" in the Add Waveform dialog and click Add
Select Measurements\ParametricCursor in the
Calculator menu
Drag Cursor 1 in Plot2, and watch the auto-labels in Plot1
and track the cursor movement.

 Peak to Peak
Description Difference between max and min values of current waveform between Cursors 0 and 1.
Hot Key  p
Script loadaccumulator pk_pk(current) "Peak to Peak"

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot a sine wave.

Select Measurements/Peak to Peak in the calculator menu to evaluate the pk-pk value of the sine wave.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y
set units = deg
echo "pk-pk = 2"

Description RMS of current waveform between Cursors 0 and 1.
Hot Key  r
Script loadaccumulator rms(current) "RMS"d 1.

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an offset sine wave

Select Measurements/RMS in the calculator menu to evaluate the rms value of the sine wave.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k) + 1
plot y
set units = deg
rms = sqrt(1+.5)
print rms

 Std Deviation
Description Standard deviation (AC RMS) of current waveform between Cursors 0 and 1.
  The average value is removed from the current waveform, then the RMS is computed.
Hot Key  $
Script loadaccumulator stddev(current) "Std. Deviation"

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an offset sine wave.

Select Measurements/RMS in the calculator menu to evaluate the rms value of the sine wave.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k) + 1
plot y
set units = deg
print StdDev=sqrt(.5)

 X at Maximum
Description X at maximum value of current waveform between Cursors 0 and 1.
Hot Key  M
Script temp = getcursorx(0)
movecursorright(0, current, max(current))
loadaccumulator getcursorx(0) "X at Maximum"
setcursor(0, temp)

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an offset sine wave.

Select Measurements/X at Maximum in the calculator menu find the x axis coordinate of the maximum value.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k) + 1
plot y
set units = deg

 X at Minimum
Description X at minimum value of current waveform between Cursors 0 and 1.
Hot Key  m
Script temp = getcursorx(0)
movecursorright(0, current, min(current))
loadaccumulator getcursorx(0) "X at Minimum"
setcursor(0, temp)

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an offset sine wave.

Select Measurements/X at Minimum in the calculator menu find the x axis coordinate of the minimum value.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k) + 1
plot y
set units = deg